Architecture starts with a unique site and context, inherited, and a client with a unique set of functional needs, budget and time requirements. Design is a process that brings about a fit between the site/context and the client’s unique set of needs (functional, psychological, aesthetic, budget and time requirements), and traditions/aspirations/dreams.
We consider ourselves stewards of the environment and are committed to the long term care of existing buildings through maintenance, renovation and adaptive use to avoid the cost of new construction and to encourage the conservation of world resources.
We are committed to environmentally sustainable design practices, including state-of-the-art energy conservation, the renovation and adaptive use of existing property whenever possible, and the specification of the most environment friendly “green” building materials. We continually strive to design environments that are supportive of the human spirit and our connections with the natural environment around us.
We seek technical excellence through careful and thoughtful detailing, based on experience and observations of the long-term effects of use and climate on various construction systems and materials.
We believe that good environments are more than the buildings and respond to time and place, and to the constraints under which they emerge. We strive to design facilities that are compatible with both the context in which they are built and the traditions, aspirations, and dreams of the client. We believe that architecture has the potential to bring pleasure, enrich life, and ornament existence.